Vegasescortsforyou now accept Bitcoins
Vegasescortsforyou is now accepting bitcoins as a source of payment, ensuring your use of this service is not only discreet, it is also easier and safer to use than other payments. The use of bitcoins is a great way to ensure your discretion as it is a virtual currency which is untraceable, anonymous and secure.
For those of you who no nothing or little about bitcoins, here is a brief overview to the benefits to both individuals and businesses.

> Bitcoin transactions are secured by military grade software which ensures that nobody but you can make payments, just as long as you keep your information secret. This gives you a great level of protection against many kinds of fraud.
> Bitcoins have an incredibly fast international transfer speeds, with a transaction speed of only ten minutes from Africa to Canada. Bitcoins have the advantage of there being no banks to slow down the transaction or add additional fees.
> Bitcoins are a great way to keep your identity private, you can easily send money without ever having to reveal your own identity, just as with actual money. Although, as stated previously, you should aim to keep your bitcoin information private.
> Whilst Bitcoin requires you to secure your wallet, it does not run the extensive security checks that credit card companies typically run, ensuring for a faster, cheaper more private method of payment.
These are just some of the reasons that bitcoins are s great to use. You can easily pay for all the things that you want to keep private via bitcoin which will ensure that you remain anonymous. Using bitcoins as a form of payment ensures that your private life remains just that, private. Allowing you to indulge and splash out on a decadent weekend away in Las Vegas in the company of a beautiful woman without anyone but you ever knowing. There is no way for your private life to become public knowledge by using bitcoins, just as long as you ensure that you keep the detail of your wallet private.